26 October, 2016


Africa has been called so many names over the years in our history. The prevalent being the Dark Continent. Basically telling how uncivilized and backward and so needing of civilization that we need.
Watching queen of Katwe shows an Africa that is rising. Not an Africa that has conquered poverty, not an Africa that has taken care of its problems but an Africa of what it is. An Africa that has a story, an Africa that has enough inspiration, enough people, heroes and heroines. But you see the media, the knowledge that has been given to us doesn’t allow us to see these stories Queen of Katwe is one of those movies that brings out an amazing story of resilience, inspiration, hope in our societies that are seeminglessly hopeless.
So until we tune our eyes to see our stories and coin the words to tell our stories- then even the stories that we think we are telling right will be distorted. African stories need to be told by Africans and there is enough of them around us in our community.

The Mother (Lupita Nyong’o) is a big example for an African mother. She is a representation of so many African mothers who go out there every day laying their lives down to build hope from scratch for their children and then the children the hopes that come out of them, the victories that they have they are all around us. May be could we constantly tell our stories both in cinema, in poetry, in writing in media – wouldn’t that be the foundation that African needs to progress not IMF, not World Bank, not Grants and loans, not Missionaries, charities but our societies, our conditions from them inspiring us to change, progress, inspiring us to look for solutions that are not designed or tailored by someone else, solutions that come from the communities from the very source where the problems are.
Parenting – you don’t need to provide everything or lots of money to get the best out of the child. You just need availability. An available parent figures out who their kids are, figures out their dreams, their gifting, their strengths and they support that. And informed parent gives relevant support. A parent who is not informed gives assumed support and deep down there parents are trying to live their shattered dreams through their children and for the most part they do it with money – if they can provide everything then their kid can become whom they want to be but they are actually making the kids become who they were supposed to be.
Secondly, it’s not the circumstances that determine whom you are meant to be – it is true poverty has limitations, it dehumanizes, it steals your self-esteem, confidence but poverty is not an ultimate sentence you can come out from the poorest of the poorest to achieve your dreams as long as you have a voice of someone who believe in you and funds your un nurtured dream/talent or skills. Every child needs a voice that keeps reminding them of their potential, someone who will tell them they can do it. That is why I have found it very vital for us to attend events for our children – it is a drive and a sacrifice, a commitment and proof that we believe in our children and assurance that we will always be there to cheer them on and on and on. If they are in a race and they see someone they trust in the audience it will be their motivation to run and run and run. They will win the race.


By Dorcus Magoba Lama
Trainer/HR Specialist 

19 May, 2015


While re devoting ourselves to the vows we made in 2011, he had this to say ' Despite the differences and difficulties in despair or danger, i pledge to be devoted to our marriage - digging deeper in love till God decides to distance us by death.

30 April, 2015


Have we given them a chance to be heard?
Have we given them a chance to speak?
Have we given them a chance to be loved?
Or we have judged them by what we see!

Is this really who we are supposed to be in Chist?
Oh  how quickly we've forgotten who we used to be.
Make up and designer clothes define us now.
Class and status determine who gets attention and smiles

Pastors and Leaders hanging in the clouds,
while we scream and exclaim their ,'revealed power'
Higher and Higher the ladders extend to the clouds
Yet sin and greed continue to define our lives

Lets go back to the true definition of love
Laying down our lives so others can be served.
Humility truly defining our lives
For death to self is truly what our father demands

Go ye spread Christ's Love
So that he may be lifted up high above the clouds.


26 February, 2015


Dear God, 

Today i would like to come before you thanking you for the many blessings you continue to give me and my family. But most of all thank you for the gift of a wonderful husband and father to my children. As we celebrate our Anniversary may you continue to use him to lead us and continue to love and cherish you as we serve the people and make disciples as per the The Great Commission that you left us. 

 (Matthew 28:18-20) And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

To you Emmanuel Lama

Ruth 1:16-17“Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” 

Beside you;
Is where I always want to be
Every second; of every minute;
of every hour; of every day,

Beside you;
Is where my heart rests’
Where my mind delightfully relaxes...
And my body basks in the pleasure of you

Beside you;
No sadness, have I known -
No hate, have I harboured
No pain, have I endured alone

You are my hero;
The shadow of Christ -
My earthly refuge
from where  I find peace

In you, I’m blessed
Filled with a gladness boundless.
In you; I am reminded of how special I am;
Of my role to live for God and Him alone

Beside you, I will always be
Basking in your warmth and strength;
Residing in your heart.
I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

31 December, 2014


Would love to share these words from a friend of mine Cedric Tsiga - https://plus.google.com/u/0/104322865577716538839/posts/dFRUqvHUS3M

Another year starts and with it, new hopes and aspirations – a faint desire that sprouts in every human heart that speaks of happiness, prosperity and goodness to come.
The year gone-by might have shown grim state of affairs around the world with stories of bloodshed, tragedy and human failures never ceasing to seize the headlines.

But the excitement of a new year brings about an anticipation of a better future. This is one real moment that will touch the fabrics of human emotions that entails not only hope, but a reason to keep smiling and living life as it is.

The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous new year by believing. Believe in yourself. And believe that there is a loving Source - a Sower of Dreams - just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams come true.

Happy New Year 2015!

We all have hopes and aspirations and for us to aspire to become what we want to be something has to inspire us. That is the Vision. As the new year starts come up with a vision of where you want to be by 31st December, 2015. This will be you daily motivation and even as you pray to God you will be sure of what you want to achieve in life. Like Donna Partow says record you vision and this can be in pictures or audio. Look at at it every day or even listen to it every day. This will act as a reminder.

The Bible says, ' where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18.' 

Happy 2015.

30 December, 2014

fox blog: Christmas in the Village

fox blog: Christmas in the Village: We have been wanting to go to the village with our dear friends the Lamas (Emmanuel, Dorcus, Jezreel and Ariella) for a long time. As it t...