Have we given them a chance to be heard?
Have we given them a chance to speak?
Have we given them a chance to be loved?
Or we have judged them by what we see!
Is this really who we are supposed to be in Chist?
Oh how quickly we've forgotten who we used to be.
Make up and designer clothes define us now.
Class and status determine who gets attention and smiles
Pastors and Leaders hanging in the clouds,
while we scream and exclaim their ,'revealed power'
Higher and Higher the ladders extend to the clouds
Yet sin and greed continue to define our lives
Lets go back to the true definition of love
Laying down our lives so others can be served.
Humility truly defining our lives
For death to self is truly what our father demands
Go ye spread Christ's Love
So that he may be lifted up high above the clouds.